Diabetic Surgery in Jalandhar, Gastric Bypass Surgery Punjab

Posted : 20 Sep, 2023

Uterine fibroids and issues in pregnancy

Fibroids are smooth muscle non-cancerous tumors of the uterus. Fibroids become a matter of concern either due to their size, location or numbers. Most patients do not have any complication during pregnancy related to fibroids. Pain is the most common problem and there is a slightly increased risk of complications during pregnancy like early pregnancy loss, Increase in the size of fibroid, Preterm Labour, birth placenta abruption and pain due to degeneration of fibroid. The size of the fibroids tends to increase during pregnancy. If you have a big size fibroid or a fibroid which is more than 2 cm projecting into the endometrial cavity which have been diagnosed prior to your planning a pregnancy, consult your doctor for its management and possible removal. Laparoscopic and or hysteroscopic removal of the fibroid is an excellent treatment option which can be extremely useful for the patients with fibroids as it offers quick recovery, minimal pain and short hospital stay.

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